
I was born in Brehna/Halle in 1966 and grew up in Sandersdorf/Bitterfeld.

Unfortunately, my career aspirations were unattainable for me in the GDR. There were only very limited career choices, so I decided to train as an electrician. After completing my apprenticeship, I moved to Berlin with the desire for change and a fresh start.

I worked as a freelance model and took on organizational tasks at fashion events. I also made clothes for myself and for sale.

When I left the GDR, I found myself in a new economic system that I wanted to get to know and understand. So I decided to train as a data processing clerk. I deepened my commercial knowledge at FU Berlin. I worked as a freelance lecturer in business, got a taste of advertising and ended up managing a very successful restaurant chain in Berlin for a long time.

When I was totally burned out and my aches and pains began to weigh me down, my desire for change and to be myself grew and grew. I said a proper goodbye to the world I knew and set off on a journey to find myself.
I spent a lot of time traveling, in retreats all over the world, on beaches in solitude and always in search of myself and my answers to so many unasked questions.

I learned a lot about myself, my illnesses and the people I met. In order to deepen and better understand what I had learned, I attended many training courses in the fields of naturopathy, psychology and cosmetics.

Among other things, I studied therapeutic Thai massage in Thailand, completed training as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and immersed myself in training as a psychobionic, psychological counselor, health counsellor, specialist beautician, Hatha yoga teacher, acupuncturist and kinesiologist.

Working together with my dear husband in our center with our patients and meeting so many people for whom life calls for change, just as it did for me back then, my hunger for further training and development remains naturally alive.

I thank life for this and look forward to every new encounter and the associated opportunity for growth.